Tableau Trust

What pod am I on?

Your pod is shown in the first portion of the site URL after signing in.
Example: is the United States - West (10AZ) pod.

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Tableau Online Database Maintenance - United States - West - (10AY)
Scheduled Maintenance Report for Tableau External
Database maintenance for the Tableau Online - United States - West - (10AY) environment has been completed.
Posted Feb 26, 2020 - 03:15 UTC
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Feb 26, 2020 - 02:00 UTC
Tableau Online - United States - West - (10AY) environment will undergo a database maintenance to improve performance on February 26th, from 2:00am UTC to 4:00am UTC. Users may experience degraded performance during this maintenance period. Thanks for your patience while we work to improve our services.
Posted Feb 26, 2020 - 00:05 UTC
This scheduled maintenance affected: Tableau Cloud (United States - West - (10AY)).