Tableau Trust

What pod am I on?

Your pod is shown in the first portion of the site URL after signing in.
Example: is the United States - West (10AZ) pod.

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Please visit the Tableau Customer Support Trust at
Public Author Profiles
Incident Report for Tableau External
This incident has been resolved.
Posted Mar 22, 2020 - 12:03 UTC
Starting at 10:03am UTC on March 22nd 2020, Tableau Public was in a degraded state. During that time, users were not able to sign in to Public, however, vizzes were loading successfully. As of 10:36am UTC, the incident was mitigated. Tableau engineers have verified that the mitigation was successful. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Posted Mar 22, 2020 - 11:58 UTC
This incident affected: Tableau Public (Tableau Public).