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Tableau Online (UE1, UW2B) - Published Workbooks No Longer Display Data in Crosstab
Incident Report for Tableau External
Tableau Engineers have isolated the issue and implemented a solution to mitigate causing text and images in a crosstab to be resized. At this time, this issue is being considered resolved
Posted Apr 19, 2019 - 00:45 UTC
Some users may be affected by an issue causing text and images in a crosstab to be resized. Resized content may, in turn, no longer be displayed when viewed in Tableau Online due to the content being too large for the space. This issue is only present in Tableau Online, and viewing content in Tableau Desktop will display normally. Our development team is aware of the issue and is working on identifying a solution for this behavior. In the meantime, please see this Knowledge Base Article for details and workarounds.
Posted Apr 10, 2019 - 21:37 UTC
This incident affected: Tableau Cloud (United States - East - (useast-1), United States - West - (UW2B)).