Tableau Trust

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Tableau Cloud Degradation
Incident Report for Tableau External
Tableau Engineers have confirmed that the solution put in place to mitigate the issue causing some scheduled flows to run at incorrect times in the Asia Pacific Northeast-A, Asia Pacific Southeast-A, Canada, US-East-A, and US-West 10AY and 10AZ regions was successful. This incident is now considered resolved.
Posted Feb 11, 2023 - 02:29 UTC
Tableau Engineers have implemented a solution to mitigate an issue causing some scheduled Flows to run at incorrect times in the following regions: Asia Pacific Northeast-A, Asia Pacific Southeast-A, US-East-A, Canada, and US-West-10AY and10AZ. At this time, affected Flows may run once more at the incorrect time, but will run correctly afterwards. We will continue to monitor the situation closely. Next update will be when new information becomes available.
Posted Feb 10, 2023 - 04:36 UTC
This incident affected: Tableau Cloud (Asia Pacific - Australia - (prod-apsoutheast-a), Asia Pacific - Japan - (prod-apnortheast-a), Canada - Quebec - (prod-ca-a), United States - East - (prod-useast-a), United States - West - (10AY), United States - West - (10AZ)).