Tableau Trust

What pod am I on?

Your pod is shown in the first portion of the site URL after signing in.
Example: is the United States - West (10AZ) pod.

For service status related to Licensing and Registration, Webstore and Checkout, TableauID, community forums, or customer and partner portals:
Please visit the Tableau Customer Support Trust at
Tableau Online degradation in US-East-1 pods
Incident Report for Tableau External
Beginning at 4:01am UTC, an issue with a third party may have impacted Tableau Online users in the useast-1, prod-useast-a and prod-useast-b environments. Some users may have failed to sign in to Tableau Online between 4:01am -7:25am UTC. The issue has since been resolved and at this time, normal functionality has been restored.
Posted Jun 10, 2022 - 09:08 UTC
This incident affected: Tableau Cloud (United States - East - (useast-1), United States - East - (prod-useast-a), United States - East - (prod-useast-b)).